Dear Shari and Toby,
Links to specific
Below, you will find links to illnesses in alphabetical order. The information in each link is intended to provide a general knowledge of the illness and some guidance in treating the illness. This information is not intended for self diagnosis but for guidance after being diagnosed by a professional. Many times the professional will only provide treatment peculiar to his profession. Many other areas of treatment may be available or even needed to supplement what is provided. For example, to only provide Pepcid or Prevacid (as most MD’s do) in treating an over-acid system and not changing your diet and eating habits borders on negligence. As discussed in previous letters on Diet and Health, a three dimensional approach is needed to reach wholeness. The treatments, procedures, and recommendations provided in the links below should be coordinated by you with all professionals involved.
The basic assumptions in the following links are:
1. You have been diagnosed by a professional as having this specific illness.
2. All treatments used in these materials will be coordinated by you with your health care professional.
3. You will read all related materials in this guide Before applying any of the guide’s treatments.
Additional help is available for guidance of seniors in accessing their benefits: https://www.helpadvisor.com/medicaid/medicaid-overview
- A brief discussion of dealing with back pain
- A guide to establishing the method of treatment
- An example of a treatment plan
- Description of spinal column
- Related links
- Exercise descriptions
- General information for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Exercise descriptions
General info for IBS
- Exercise descriptions
- Edgar Cayce on Parkinsons