SEVEN SACRED FLAMES – 39 - This is the very first step, the initiation of the first temple that must be mastered before you can progress into the other steps on the path.


From Lord Serapis Bey: The candidate for Ascension must meet "seven major

initiations." The candidate must successfully pass through the disciplines of the Seven Great Temples.

"I am embodied discipline," says Serapis Bey. For centuries most people have feared

that discipline. I am dedicated to seeing that you pass through the fires of

purification, and that you, who desire the opportunity of gaining your ascension,

might persevere until the day of that victory. Angels of the Ascension Temple gather

all the praise, adoration, songs, devotion and blessings sent upward by individuals

in congregational or individual worship. These energies created by devotional

practices are carefully woven into the ever-widening spiritual stream of energy.

Each new soul who attains Ascension status makes it easier for the next lifestream

to avail itself of the fully-gathered cosmic momentum of those who have gone




The stipulations were that until humanity wakes-up again to embrace their divine

potential and the principles of Christ-hood, and when the level of consciousness has

reached enough spiritual maturity for mankind to be trusted once more with this

sacred energy, the knowledge for the right use of these flames will be reintroduced

to Earth again. With the Ascension of your Earth Mother, those who have reached

the level of spiritual maturity to become candidates for Ascension will benefit, in

their own timing, from the return of their gifts.

That is the mastery you will need to attain as you walk through the initiations of the

seven inner temples (see chapter 4—pages 97-101). Once you gain the momentum

of Love, Wisdom and Power on all the flames and have fulfilled all the other

requirements, you will be invited to take your place among the immortals with all

the glory and attributes of a fully ascended master.



It is not necessary

that you be aware of all the rays at this time, but it is of utmost importance for those

aspiring to make their Ascension in this incarnation to gain mastery on the first

seven rays, and later on, the five secret rays.:


First: TEMPLE OF GOOD WILL - Master El Morya


1.     control and transform all thoughts and feelings that are not aligned with their Divine Self

2.     commune with his own God Presence; develop within himself true humility before it

3.     dissolving of rebellion against discipline and self-correction


The candidate must learn to control and transform all thoughts and feelings

that are not aligned with their Divine Self. This is the initiation of mastery of the first

temple, the Temple of God's Will that the hopeful and the brave must pass. The

candidate must learn to commune with his own God Presence and to develop within

himself true humility before it. Within this first temple, under the direction of

Master El Morya and his assistants, the aspirant is assisted in the dissolving of

rebellion. Rebellion took Lucifer from the heart of heaven; the rebellion against

discipline and self-correction is a barrier to real spiritual progress. Within the

discipline of a good night's sleep, abstinence from tobacco, alcohol and recreational

drugs, you ease your pathway to your glorious freedom. Those who do not wish to

accept those disciplines have not yet the stimulus to become the best, to be the

highest and the greatest expression of a God incarnate.


Second: TEMPLE OF LEARNING - Lord Lanto, Master Kuthumi and the Brotherhood of the Golden Robe


1.     instructions in the Law of cause and effect and all other Universal Laws

Those who have successfully passed the initiations of the first temple are

taken to the second temple, known as the Temple of Learning. Under the guidance of

Lord Lanto, the Master Kuthumi and the Brotherhood of the Golden Robe, they are

given instructions in the Law. Here they develop understanding of the Law of cause

and effect and all other Universal Laws. It is a pleasant and happy time of sowing the

seeds, of breathing life upon those seeds and bringing in a harvest of work. It is the

time when the artist develops his skills, the musician develops dexterity in his

musical accomplishments and the teacher becomes eloquent in conveying

knowledge to his students.


Third: Temple of Love - Paul the Venetian

1.     discipline of unconditional love and harmony for their own lifestream and for all

               other forms of Life


Those who have successfully passed the initiations of the second temple are

taken to the third temple, the Temple of Love, under the great protection and

guidance of the Beloved Paul the Venetian. Here the neophyte must learn the

discipline of unconditional love and harmony for their own lifestream and for all

other forms of Life. They are placed in living quarters with those who have within


themselves tendencies which are particularly aggravating to others. This is where

the numbers of neophytes dwindle, and with great feeling of relief, many candidates

rush to the door and leave us. To live peacefully with one's fellowmen is one of the

greatest tests of the unascended state. Although the graciousness, the beauty, the

kindliness of this great Master are so astonishing as to melt a heart of stone, the

discipline he requires in learning tolerance, compassion and understanding is such

that few survive.



Fourth: - Temple of Ascension - Serapis Bey


1.     draw forth enough purity to see his I AM Presence and his Holy Christ Self face-to-face

2.     "Self" is shown the tricks of the ego and subtle appearances

3.     purify all past negative human creations and transform them into pure-white Light Radiance


From the third temple, the initiate moves into the fourth temple, the

Temple of Ascension. This is the first personal contact that Serapis Bey has with the

neophyte. For the first time, the candidate must draw forth enough purity to see his

I AM Presence and his Holy Christ Self face-to-face. In the initiation, the Master

himself will stand within the aura of the initiate presenting many negative

imbalances which still exist within the inner bodies. This is when the candidate will

hear many voices and only true discrimination, prayer, selflessness and humility can

discern the "Voice of the Silence." It is the time when the "Self" is shown the tricks of

the ego and subtle appearances. The aspirant must apply himself to purify all past

negative human creations and transform them into pure-white Light Radiance.


Fifth: Temple of Consecration - Master Hilarion or Beloved Raphael


1.     all body systems are consecrated to purity and ascension


After passing the initiation of the fourth temple, the disciple is ready for the

discipline of the fifth temple, the Temple of Consecration. It is then that the garment

of consecration is placed upon them, golden sandals on their feet and a silken robe

on their body. Master Hilarion or Beloved Raphael performs the service of

consecration where all body systems are consecrated to purity and ascension. Then

consecrations are given, of the hands into which the Flame of Healing is infused, and

of the feet which become the anchors of the Sacred Fire wherever the body moves.

Consecration of the lips takes place to speak the Sacred Words which invoke and

command the manifestation of precipitation and healing powers. Consecration of

the energies of the eyes enables the disciple to see perfection and to call it forth.

This completes the ceremonies.


Sixth: Temple of Service - Lord Sananda, Nada


1.     put aside his worldly pursuits to be in service to others and to become his brother's keeper

2.     volunteer some of his time to planetary service for the benefit of mankind

3.     become a ministering servant


The aspirant is then taken to the sixth temple, the Temple of Service where he

is expected to temporarily put aside his worldly pursuits to be in service to others

and to become his brother's keeper. He is also expected to volunteer some of his

time to planetary service for the benefit of mankind, not just himself and his family.

He must learn to include the rest of humanity in his heart, becoming fully aware that

the needs of others also affect the needs of many. In the sixth temple, under the

sponsorship of Lord Sananda with his beloved twin flame, Nada (also known as Jesus

and Mary Magdalene), the aspirant is trained to nurture and serve all aspects of Life

and become a ministering servant.

Before a candidate for ascension can become a master, he must also learn the

disciplines of the humble servant, selfless service, true brotherhood and obedience

to Hierarchy. Those spending almost their entire lives in the service of some activity

or organization to assist and enhance the consciousness of the collective are usually

sixth level initiates. In the past, too often, Serapis Bey saw many of you leave Luxor,

ready to set the world on fire, only to recede back as you went down the steps of the


great temple. This is where a great number of you lost your opportunity for

Ascension in many incarnations.



Seventh: Temple of the Violet Fire - Master Saint Germain



1.     becomes like a window through which the God-life flows with absolute purity


After the aspirant passes the initiations of the first six temples, he is ready

to enter the seventh temple, the Temple of the Violet Fire where every atom, cell and

electron of his being becomes completely purified by the action of the Violet Flame

under the sponsorship of Master Saint Germain. The candidate becomes like a

window through which the God-life flows with absolute purity. The physical body

will give you the greatest possible ease and grace within the Laws of harmony, if you

refrain from taking into the physical body those substances which change its natural

vibratory action, disconnecting it from the harmony of the spheres of Divine Love.

When the candidate is ready to fully externalize the Will of God, and preparations

begin to initiate the final phase of the graduation ceremony of Ascension, then all is

in place for the candidate to become an "ascended master." Do you see? Blessings

from the heart of Luxor!