David Goines' NDE (age thirteen)
I remember the fear of impact (getting hit), however, I have no recollection of the impact or having my body become totally integrated with the bicycle, nor hurtling over sixty feet through the air and landing in the canal. My next memory was quite a scene in the hospital emergency room. It was the most unique experience of my earthly life. Unique, because I was observing my own body in the emergency room and all the activity going on, except that I was not in my body. I was above it all - looking down. I was feeling no pain.
Everyone was very busy. I knew by their activity that I was in serious trouble. There was much discussion about how to extract me from the tangled wreckage of my bike and/or whether they would need to leave me in it until I was stabilized enough to try. I could see and hear everything. It was gruesome. It was frightening. They finally decided they had me stable enough to get rid of the bike and they called for a welding specialist to bring a torch to help cut me out of the bike. Thank God my body seemed to be unconscious. All of this would have been quite enough for my young mind to endure - until one nurse, whom I knew, said to another, "Well - it certainly makes you wonder if it is worth saving this mess."
She nearly scared me to death! At that moment, it was more than I could stand above and watch. I wanted to run away from this scene. I needed to escape. Quickly, I turned, took one step through the wall so to speak and found myself in total darkness. I looked back - nothing but darkness! Before I could barely think, "Now I've done it!" I apparently took another step; and I was instantly in the most beautiful garden I have ever seen. This garden was like a formal terrace which had been carved out of a rough mountain, just a few feet below the peak. Everything was white marble and evergreen. The air was so incredibly light and clear and fresh and cool. It seemed like I was breathing pure chilled oxygen. The garden was trimmed in evergreen shrubs, each a perfect specimen; and the fragrance of evergreen lightly scented the air. This place seemed so perfect in every detail. Directly in front of me, just a few steps away, was a marble bench which seemed to invite me to come, sit, and rest.
As I sat down and breathed in the fresh wonderful air, I looked around. What a wonderful place to rest. The floor was flat and smooth, polished to perfection such that it looked seamless. This garden terrace was surrounded by low marble pillars and a marble railing and looked like it had been formed right out of the side of the mountain in one seamless effort. I noticed the stark contrast between the formal perfection of white marble and the surrounding mountain that was rough and ragged by comparison.
It seemed like only moments while I looked around this beautiful setting, when I noticed a very warm, kindly, old gentleman sitting beside me on the bench. I had not seen or heard him come - he was just there. A light smile crossed his face, and I knew he was a friend. His face was warmly wrinkled, but soft. His eyes were a soft blue and yet with a depth and sparkle of wisdom. I looked away so as not to fall into his eyes; and as I did, he spoke to me. His voice was firm, but soft and loving.
He said, "Well, you've had a rough day," as if he knew all about it.
With a tired sigh I said, "I sure have!"
No further explanation seemed necessary as we both sat there. Then, I remembered just how much trouble I really was in; and I looked back at him hoping he would have an answer I could stand to hear.
I asked "Am I dead?"
He smiled to assure me and said, "No, you are not dead. Your body is in a lot of trouble, but it is being well taken care of and you do not need to worry."
I remember I felt so relieved to be told that I was not dead. Life was not over. This was not the end. All these things ran through my mind like a whirlwind that stopped abruptly, and I was filled with a million questions as to explain my current condition. I could not explain why I felt like I was sitting here in this place feeling very much like I had a body and yet knowing very much that I had left it behind.
Again I looked at him, and his face looked so understanding I knew he had the answers even before I asked the question. It was like we could read each others thoughts - even before words were spoken - and I'm not sure but what a lot of our communication did take place this way, mind to mind. Then a kind of panic set in.
I demanded of him: "How am I here, in this place, when I know that my body is back there in the hospital?" And "Where is this place? How do I see this place and you, if I'm not with my body? How can I be two places at once?" I began to feel very upset. "What are you?" I demanded!
His voice calmed me immediately. He said, "You are in a very special place. You are safe."
He went on to explain that, though my body was in the hospital, it was my physical body and that each of us has also our spiritual body and our mental body.
He said, "It is your mental and spiritual body that is here. It is with your mental and spiritual eyes that you see this place. Likewise, it is through your mental and spiritual body senses that you perceive everything in and about this place. This place is in your mind's eye, your imagination; it is as it is because this is exactly what you need it to be. Your physical crisis and mental need caused it to be just as you perceive it. I am here too without a physical body. You see me as I see myself in my own mind's eye. A mental picture (a thought) from my mind to your mind's eye. I am as you see me because this is the way that I perceived that you needed me to be. Who I am or my name is not important. I am here for you on behalf of your heavenly Father's love for you and to remind you from where you came."
My first thought was - The hospital?
He smiled a smile of wisdom and patience beyond wisdom itself and said lovingly, "No, I mean your Father's house."
It was then at that moment that I realized that I knew everything that he was saying was true and that I had known this consciously before I was born to this Earth to have a physical body. I remembered that I was also a spiritual and mental body (being), and it all made perfect sense. I even remembered coming through the veil to find and choose my physical body. I was mildly puzzled that I could have even forgotten such things - when he reminded me that to have/experience a physical life - it was necessary to at least for a while, forget a little of our prior knowledge so that we might more fully experience the physical things, be physically challenged, make choices of free agency, and yes, even make mistakes so that we could learn from them in ways that only a physical life could impart.
If we retained all of our prior knowledge, we might not bother to experience the physical life for its fulfillment - we might decide to skip the pain and thus miss the pleasure. I also remembered the promise I had made to my heavenly Father upon accepting the opportunity, challenges and responsibility of a physical life. To make the most of this opportunity for myself and for him. To return to my Father's house with the knowledge and experience gained such that likewise, my Father (Creator) could be enhanced by the experience. It was upon this basis that I realized why we need to experience a separation of our total reality when we take a physical body. That is because in order for us to appreciate, benefit, and learn all we can from our physical life, we must seemingly have to re-discover what we knew before - now in physical ways. Likewise, through this physical life we must discover how to return to our heavenly Father. By the good that we do to each other here, by the ways we improve our minds, and by the ways that we learn to cope with a physical body and physical life, do we earn our right of safe passage back to our Father's house; and in so doing, do we likewise magnify and glorify (honor) our Father. It is our Father's love that sends us on the journey and it is our love for him that will allow us to go back home to his loving arms again.
As soon as I had remembered all that I needed to know, my loving, special friend disappeared.
This was a wonderful place; it was everything I needed it to be. I not only remembered and could see from where I came, I could also see and remember where I was going, the many things that I was supposed to do. I knew when I chose this life that it would be challenging. I knew that I would be responsible for finding a physical life mate and that, together, we would accept the responsibility of providing new physical life so that others of God's children (creation) could likewise share in a physical experience for themselves. I knew that I would be responsible for choosing between good and evil so that my life would serve to glorify my heavenly Father upon my return to him.
As I continued to ponder and re-affirm these things, I felt very refreshed and again more conscious of my garden place. I turned and noticed a small winding path leading up to the crest of this rugged mountain. I had not noticed this path before, but it was there now and it beckoned me. I got up from my marble bench and began making my way up the steep access of the path. It was difficult and my footing was very unsure. As I reached the top, I looked down upon a beautiful meadow on the other side. It was so tempting. There were flowers of every description and color. A beautiful brook flowed playfully through the meadow, and I made my way through the lush grass to be by its side. The brook was only a few inches deep. The water flowed quickly. I picked up some pebbles and tossed them one by one into the water. I was about to turn away and leave when I looked on the other side of the stream and saw a beautiful white light much like sunbeams. From this beautiful light a figure appeared. It was clothed in white robes and white light such that I could scarcely tell the difference. I could not make out a face - but I clearly saw hands. These hands stretched out to me and a voice said: "Will you come unto me?"
Without hesitation I stepped into the water, then I paused. I was shaking all over. Then I remembered that I had a life to learn and experience. I turned; and as I stepped out of the water, I said "No, I still have many things which I must do."
I made my way quickly, running as fast as I could back up to the top of the hill and back down that winding path, nearly falling several times. As soon as my feet touched the floor of my beautiful marble garden, I was consciously back in my physical body, awake, and suddenly in more physical pain than I ever thought possible. My body was in five-way traction, and I was barely touching the bed. Everything hurt.
My first conscious thought was, "Big mistake - boy, I've done it now! I've screwed up big time! That white figure was Jesus and I told him, "No!"
I don't know whether I cried more from the physical pain I was in or the spiritual and mental torment I was having over this decision. Later through prayer and meditation, I have been comforted. I now understand and have so often reflected that through this experience I was being offered a choice. A choice which I, and each of us, have the right to make. My heavenly Father has such a profound love for me and all of his children, for that matter, that I was offered through his son Jesus the opportunity to come back to him right then.
His love is so great for his children that he was and is willing to sacrifice his potential for glory. Fortunately for me, I have the opportunity on his behalf to experience a physical life; and hopefully in doing so, I will ultimately magnify and glorify my heavenly Father and more so than if I had accepted grace and forgone this opportunity.
I did not realize that my garden experience had lasted for twenty-one days, until I was told by my doctors and nurses that I had been in a coma all that time. It was from this experience that I was able to draw enough strength and energy to rehabilitate my body, learn to walk again, and do all the things that I have been able to do so far in my life.
I am telling you this story, one, because I needed to tell it; two, because, perhaps you needed to hear it; and, three, because it allows me a credible basis for sharing with you much of the magic that can enhance a physical life.
Cecil's NDE (age eleven)
My brother and I went
swimming. He had a problem. I tried to get him out of the water, but in his panic
he pulled me under several times. We both drowned. He died and I came back. I
can remember it all like yesterday. Just as I could no longer stay afloat, a
strange sound like ringing in my ears started. A peaceful feeling came over me.
I felt my spirit come out of my body and I went into a black void. That was a
little frightening.
A long way off there was a pinprick of light. I moved toward it, slowly at
first, then faster and faster as if I were on top of a train accelerating. Then
I stopped and stepped fully into the light. I noticed everything - sky,
buildings, glass - emitted its own light and everything was much more colorful
than what we see here. A river meandered around. On the other side was a city,
and a road running through it to another city, and another city and another and
Right in front of me but across the river were three men. They projected
themselves to me. They didn't walk or fly; they projected over. I didn't
recognize them, yet I knew one was Lynn Bibb. (I was named after him. He died a
matter of weeks before I was born.) I knew these three men were looking out for
me, like a welcoming committee to escort me over the river to the first city. I
had the feeling that if I went with them, there would be no coming back, so I hesitated.
The first city was like first grade. People stayed there until they were ready
to go to the next city - your eternal progression, from city to city. Behind me
and to the left was a strong light source, very brilliant and filled with love.
I knew it was a person. I called it God for lack of a better term. I could not
see it; I felt what seemed like a male presence. He communicated to me, not so
much in words but telepathically, and he asked, "Why did you
I replied, "Well, I'm kind of young to die."
He chuckled. "We have babies die."
I said, "Well, there's some things I want to know first."
He replied, "What do you want to know?"
"What is death?" I asked.
He said, "Turn and look to one side."
As I did, I saw a bad car wreck. Several people had been killed. Out of some of
the bodies a spirit came up to progress on.
Some who did not believe it was possible stayed in their bodies and would not
emerge. I asked if they could be reached and he said, "Yes, some more
quickly than others and some maybe never." Death, then, is not believing
in anything.
I asked, "What is hell?"
He said, "Turn and look again."
I saw an old woman in a rocking chair determined to sit and rock and worry
about children and grandchildren and everything else. Hell is therefore a lack
of wisdom and not moving on, choosing not to go any further, sitting there and
doing nothing. Hell is not a place.
I asked if there was a Devil or Satan.
He said to me, "Would God allow that?" He continued, "If I made
you God for just a few seconds, what would you do first?"
I knew my first act would be to eliminate any Devil or Satan. I asked,
"How do I know right from wrong?"
He replied, "Right is helping and being kind. Wrong is not only hurting
someone but not helping when you can."
We walked as I asked about the universe and reasons for everything. All of
these things were shown to me. Then he wondered if I still wanted to return to
the physical world.
"I do want to return."
He asked, "Why?"
I said I would help my mother whom my father had left with four children and
one on the way. God kind of chuckled and asked me for the real reason. I said I
would leave the Earth a little better than I found it.
Then you may return with some of the knowledge of the things you have learned,
but the rest will be veiled for a time. Live in such a way that you will not be
going back when you return here again.
I woke up facedown in the mud of the river bottom and was 'lifted' to the top.
I threw up great amounts of water, then pulled myself out of the river only to
discover my brother had died.