When looking for alternative methods of healing you are stepping into a different world of medicine. “Modern” medicine is expensive and is sold by millions. The reason it is so expensive is many progressive tests are required and several steps of approvals. These tests and in many cases the approvals are performed by the people who developed the medicine. This is an expensive and long term process. Also note, natural medicines cannot be patented. Anyone can supply them and they are plentiful therefore not expensive. The required testing and approvals cannot be funded for alternative cures. Since so much money is involved in “modern” medicine it is no wonder the AMA, FDA, NIH….  have formed a cartel to eliminate any inexpensive cure and spent vast amounts of money for propaganda to eliminate faith in cures that have not met the standards of “modern” medicine. We have been programmed from birth to believe in this approach. When you read “eliminate faith in cures that have not met the standards of “modern” medicine” previously, your first thought was a feeling “why would I believe in a medicine that hasn’t met those standards”. We all want a “black and white” where things are either right or wrong. We live in a world of many colors with multiple paths to the same truth. We may “think” some colors are better than others but it is how the colors are mixed and displayed that creates a beautiful world. We have found many items in our discussions we know to be true but have been disclaimed by Main Stream Media. We have found other means to prove them.


How do you prove a cure without expensive tests and approvals? You collect data from people who have used it. The data should include the circumstances under which the cure was implemented. This is difficult to do and it has to get more organized to displace more expensive medicines that don’t work as well and have horrible side effects. That is what is happening NOW!  This started with the speech by America’s Front Line Doctors.



Wiki article on AFLDS


The following main stream media article provides a clear view of what the deep state will do to smear people who tell the truth. It is NOT someone’s opinion but an actual “attempt to deceive” people into believing the cures being offered by AFLDS were proven not to be effective against transmission of what was called “covid”. What few people knew at the time, there were several manufacturers of vaccines. What was being distributed ranged from saline solution through three progressive levels of intrusive ingredients. The worst of these vaccines can have its ingredients activated by a specific 5G signal for a slow kill. This “attempt to deceive” is the definition of lying.

Similar lies were spread by NIH, CDC, FDA and many politicians.

(MY COMMENTS IN RED.  These comments are with 4 years of hindsite.)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


America’s Front Line Doctors
Not to be confused with Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.

America's Frontline Doctors


Formation               2019

Leader                    Simone Gold

Parent organization Free Speech Foundation

Website                  americasfrontlinedoctors.com

This article is part of a series on Conservatism in the United States


America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) is an American right-wing political organization, (The AFLDS has NOT backed any politician as of September 2023) Affiliated with Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin and publicly led by Simone Gold, the group is opposed to measures (that have been proven and admitted not to work and some have detrimental effects) intended to control the COVID-19 pandemic, such as business closures, stay-at-home orders, and vaccination. The group promotes falsehoods about the COVID-19 pandemic and COVID-19 vaccines. (It has been proven there was not a pandemic but a plandemic and that the vaccines do not work.)


AFLDS made its first public appearance during a media event on July 27, 2020, where they advocated for the use of repurposed drugs such as hydroxychloroquine (which has been proven to work. Don’t forget    ivermectin) as treatments for COVID-19. Their statements were made without the support of peer-reviewed evidence or regulatory approval, and the group also alleged that the pharmaceutical industry was intentionally sponsoring studies showing the drugs to be ineffective. Video of the event was distributed via right-wing websites and social media outlets, and also promoted by then-U.S. president Donald Trump and his son. (The only proof the AFLDS had of these two FDA approved drugs was 60 years of successful use without serious adverse effects and 100’s of covid cases cured. Most doctors using them experienced a 100% efficacy if administered in the early to mid-stages.)

In 2021, AFLDS shifted to anti-vaccine activism with the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines; the group made false claims about the vaccines' efficacy (claims which were later verified by the organizations cited above) and safety, and began to promote paid telehealth consultations with "AFLDS-trained" physicians that would prescribe medications claimed to be COVID-19 treatments. It also filed lawsuits in attempts to block an expansion of the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for one of the vaccines, and to block a proof of vaccination mandate in New York City under a claim that it was inherently discriminatory against African Americans.

The AFLDS provided proof of efficacy by data of the 100’s of cases cured and the lack of side effects. A small %age were not cured and the circumstances noted. These were usually well advanced cases with co morbidities. This was supported by much better data than you will find for most alternative cures. Most alternative cures are supported with anecdotal data only. It is then up to the user to assemble these data and circumstances to draw a conclusion. This is the very reason we prefer modern medicine. To use alternative medicine we have to do our own research and be responsible for our own decisions. If we work together to build an alternate medicine database the decisions will become easier.











This group of doctors, classically trained and liscensed MD’s, were the first to recognize and expose the “PLANDEMIC” being executed by the Deep State.
Four years later, now, EVERYTHING they said and promoted has PROVEN to be true. On July 27, 2020 their leader, Simone Gold, spoke openly in front of the Supreme Court Building with many other doctors about actual working treatments for what was called “covid” and was later sentenced to 60 days for trespassing at the Capitol Jan 6th 2021 event. She was placed in solitary confinement to shut her up.

AFLDS on  Masks and The Law  - Several legal templates for protection from medical abuse.

AFLDS on Vaccines and The Law

AFLDS on  Hydroxychloroquine

AFLDS on  Ivermectin

  and Covid 


At this time, AFLDS can not provide you with a specific doctor referral, list of doctors or telemedicine services. There are many options in the marketplace, although AFLDS certainly would like to help you find person(s) that hold views that are consistent with AFLDS freedom principles! If you have questions regarding wellness, telemedicine and prefer doctors with like minded care, these are a few websites to review.


Dr. Jana Schmidt www.JanasAllNAtural.com


Dr. Gold - GoldCare Health & Wellness, www.Goldcare.com


Dr. Leland Stillmanwww.StillmanMD.com



Dr. Stella Immanuel

NOTE: Search to find her website, except by exact name of site, is nearly impossible on Google. It has been suppressed. Bad publicity is up front though. This is intentional! See Wiki article below on AFLDS.

Also àhttps://rehobothmedicalcenter.com/

Rehoboth Medical Center, 6728 highway, 6 South, Huston, TX 77083 (highway 6 and bellaire) 281,530.1230


Houston-area doctor agrees with use of controversial drug to treat COVID-19 - 




Dr. Angelina Farella in Webster TX

Dose of Ivermectin -.6mg/kg 90 da




Dr. Shintani - Ivermectin and cancer





Hydroxychloroquine and cancer



  The Antidote; Dr. Ardis - NICOTINE



  Burzynski Cancer Cure;


  Max Gerson Cures - naturopathic;



“IVM can enhance the sensitivity of chemotherapeutic drugs and reduce the production of resistance. Therefore, IVM should be used in combination with other drugs to achieve the best effect, while the specific medication plan used to combine IVM with other drugs remains to be explored.”

This article provides perspective on Ivermectin. Over 100 references including 100’s of doctors and research physicians. NOTE: Most of the referenced names are from other countries indicating the suppression of information in this country. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7505114/ 

 Find a doctor - https://www.aestheticsadvisor.com/2021/02/find-doctor-prescribe-hydroxychloroquine-ivermectin.html


The Overlooked Miracle Drug for Cancer? Why Big Pharma Fears Fenbendazole

“Fenbendazole has at least 12 proven anti-cancer mechanisms in vitro and in vivo,” says cancer researcher Dr. William Makis. But there’s a problem: It’s very cheap, and it’s not going to make anyone rich. vigilantnews.com/post/the-overlooked-miracle-drug-for-cancer-why-big-pharma-fears-fenbendazole. Follow @Vigilant_News





Joe Tippens a cancer patient who was given three months to live, took a combination of nutrients including Fenbendazole, while deciding not to change his diet & it worked.


• Fenbendazole (222mg)

• Vitamin E (800IU daily)

• Curcumin (600mg daily)

• CBD oil (25mg per day)

Berberine & Quercetine





BitChute (https://www.bitchute.com/video/iQVbfLbYC7DA/)







People do not realize that every teacher and school board member have to have an insured bond for them to serve. There are different insurers in different states. If you make a claim of “child endangerment“ to the insurance company that backs the bond of a particular educator, they have no choice but to respond, or the teacher is uninsurable and cannot continue. This is not a lawsuit, but a “bond call”.


Here are the links to file a grievance in the CyFair School District.



You will see there are 4 levels of complaints or appeals. You can download these forms and print them off,  type your responses or hand written and scan back in.

Since there is no clearinghouse here are the links that should get your problem to the correct department.

Superintendent Mark Henry


Chief of Staff Teresa Hull 


When submitting your in district complaint, be sure to let your school district you are aware and ready to elevate your issue to the Texas Education Agency.


If your complaint will not submit automatically copy and submit your PDF file to: complaintsmanagement@tea.texas.gov