Metaphysics and Past, Present & Future Prophecies
Topics based on material from – Letters to My Children
Introduction to Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce - Reincarnation and it implications,
5 top stories, Anne Frank FOLLOW THE ENERGY soul chart,
CHANGING TIME computer analogy chart,
Telepathy-Energy Aether - Einstein
Psychic cops – a rock can be a diamond
Tortional energy creates and controls electromagnetic and other energies, five forces Gravity, Electromagnetic, Strong Nuclear, Weak Nuclear
????? – THE FIFTH FORCE similar to closing a survey
Divine Cosmos 1.2
Many Western scientists who have explored these topics, most notably Lt. Col. Tom Bearden, call them “scalar waves”, but we feel that “torsion waves” is ultimately an easier term to use, since it continually reminds us of their spiraling nature. The reader should be aware that in all cases, what we are dealing with is simply an impulse of momentum that travels through the medium of the aether / ZPE / physical vacuum, and does not possess electromagnetic qualities.
1.5 Torsion Physics
Cartan’s original 1913 theory speculated that torsion fields would be some 30 orders of magnitude weaker than gravitation, and gravity is already known to be 40 orders of magnitude weaker than electromagnetic energy! With such a miniscule level of influence, so said the theories, the naturally-spinning “torsion fields” were basically an irrelevant footnote that would not make any noticeable contributions to the phenomena that we can observe in the universe.
For those scientists who had maintained an open mind, the works of Trautman, Kopczyynski, F. Hehl, T. Kibble, D. Sciama and others in the early 1970’s triggered a wave of interest in torsion fields. Hard scientific facts exploded Cartan’s 60-year-old theory-based myth that such fields were weak, tiny and unable to move through space.
The myth of the Einstein-Cartan theory was that the spiraling torsion fields could not move, (i.e. they would remain static,) and could only exist within a space far smaller than the atom.
Sciama et al. demonstrated that these basic torsion fields expected in ECT did exist, and they were referred to as “static torsion fields.” The difference was that “dynamic torsion fields” were demonstrated as well, with properties far more remarkable than Einstein and Cartan had assumed.
According to Sciama et al., static torsion fields are created from spinning sources that do not radiate any energy. However, once you have a spinning source that releases energy in any form, such as the Sun or the center of the Galaxy, and / or a spinning source that has more than one form of movement occurring at the same time, such as a planet that is rotating on its axis and revolving around the Sun at the same time, then dynamic torsion is automatically produced.
This phenomenon allows torsion waves to propagate through space instead of simply staying in a single “static” spot. Thus, torsion fields, like gravity or electromagnetism, are capable of moving from one place to another in the Universe.
Furthermore, as we shall discover in later chapters, Kozyrev proved decades ago that these fields travel at “superluminal” speeds, meaning that they far exceed the speed of light.
“Science of Oneness” – 2.5
In the field of parapsychology, which is solidly empirical and has struggled in vain for mainstream academic acceptance for many years, we have prestigious institutions such as Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research or PEAR that have absolutely proven that human consciousness can affect the outcome of seemingly “random” procedures. This can include effects where the participant is able to demonstrate the following, statistically significant results: · affecting computerized random number generators, · changing the speed with which radiation emanates from a source to be measured by a Geiger counter, · and even affecting the random movement of ping-pong balls through a matrix of pins. The experimenter drops the balls through a single slot into a matrix that normally should funnel them into a random configuration throughout ten or fifteen slots at the bottom, and yet by sheer intent the participant is able to significantly increase the number of ping-pong balls that fall into a certain slot. It is also important to remember that the subjects for these sorts of experiments are not heavy-duty psychics, but ordinary people; so we are not talking about something that is only available to certain “elite” humans in our society.
Backster - Plants have a consciousness Chapter 2.6 Cleve Backster, plants, bacteria, planaria
2.8 - Rigorous studies of the phenomenon of psychokinesis were conducted in the former Soviet Union and
Czechoslovakia, later reported on in the unclassified Defense Intelligence Agency's Soviet and Czechoslovakian
Parapsychology Research (U), by Mr. Louis F. Maire III and Major J.D. LaMoth, MSC, published September 1975.
…..Two female subjects, Nina Kulagina and Alla Vinogradova, have been studied extensively by Drs. Sergeyev and Adamenko. According to Sergeyev, Mrs. Kulagina can control the beat of frog heart preparations, imprint images on shielded photographic emulsions, and move objects weighing one pound
….1. Size and shape are more important than the physical structure of the substance she is trying to influence. 2. Weight and dimensions of objects she is trying to move are important; the weights vary from a few ounces to nearly one pound. 3. She finds moving a vertical cylinder easier than moving a horizontal one. 4. She causes no changes in the shape of soft objects during movement. 5. The direction an object moves depends on her will, and may be either toward or away from her. She can also cause rotational or vertical movements to occur. 6. Kulagina's optimum field effect occurs at approximately 1 1/2 feet; her distance limit is approximately 3 feet and 4 inches, when the object to be influenced is 3 feet from the edge of the working surface. At these distances she is said to be able to move one object out of many, depending upon where she centers her concentration. The electrical aspects of Kulagina's effects are as follows: 1. An electrical field is generated in the vicinity of the object she is attempting to influence; however, there is no measurable field between Kulagina and that object and no sparks are observed. 2. She can exert no effect on an object situated in a vacuum. [Note: Other Soviet psychic research had clearly demonstrated that this “bioplasmic energy” can travel through anything, including lead-shielded cages which prohibit any conventional radiation from entering.] 3. Electrostatic screening has no effect on her powers, which seem to be better with the object under a dielectric [non-conducting] cover, but she is unsuccessful during storms or other atmospheric conditions when there is a greater than normal amount of electricity in the air. She cannot, at any time, exert an influence on an electroscope. 4. She can cause luminescence of crystal lumiphors and produce changes in the spectrum of visible light absorbed by liquid crystals.
Searl - 6.6.3 SELF-SUSTAINING POWER GENERATION Interestingly enough, with the Searl device we again come back to a working free-energy system as well, as a result of harnessing electricity from the powerful rotating magnets. John Thomas has studied and written about Prof. Searl‘s discoveries quite thoroughly in his book Anti-Gravity: The Dream Made Reality, and there he reveals that the power source for the device was self-sustaining once a certain amount of current ran into it, in order to get it started. It literally generated its own energy from the surrounding aether, and thus could function indefinitely with no source of stored power in the device. This shouldn‘t be much of a surprise to us, after we saw the “sprinkler ” effect from Dr. Bruce De Palma‘s “homopolar generator ” and later the “Sunburst ” N-Machine that was independently tested and verified by Dr. Robert Kincheloe.—matter snatch, Russian duplication
Secret Space Program – released patents
David Wilcock – SACRED GEOMETRY 0-20 min, 1hr to 1hr 12min
Fractal - a curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole. Fractals are useful in modeling structures (such as eroded coastlines or snowflakes) in which similar patterns recur at progressively smaller scales, and in describing partly random or chaotic phenomena such as crystal growth, fluid turbulence, and galaxy formation.
Ramanujan and string theory. - String theory is a theoretical framework of physics in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. It describes how these strings propagate through space and interact with each other. On distance scales larger than the string scale, a string looks just like an ordinary particle, with its mass, charge, and other properties determined by the vibrational state of the string. In string theory, one of the many vibrational states of the string corresponds to the graviton, a quantum mechanical particle that carries gravitational force. Thus string theory is a theory of quantum gravity.
CE5 - What is Quantum Nonlocality?
Ultrasound view of actual healing of inoperable tumor. 1:30 – 5:
Tortional energy , Zeropoint energy, Hal Puthoff
Per David Wilcock, Similarly, it would now appear that light is also the traveling of an impulse of energy through the fluidlike aether medium. We have already suggested that the only thing that “truly ” exists is the aether medium itself; light and sound and geometry, as well as other forces such as electromagnetism and heat, are simply different frequencies that vibration takes on as it travels through the medium. That point cannot be underestimated; nothing else truly “exists ” besides the aetheric medium itself.
Where does the information on tortional energy come from? – Scientific experiment, Accidental observations with measurements.
SCIENCE OF ONENESS - CHAPTER 09: HARNESSING TORSION WAVES, Photons, Atoms, Elements, Objects, The Universe
Psychic control (Nina Kulagina) telekinesis
With the Meditation Effect, you get 7,000 people together; they are meditating under one roof, and that 7,000 people, somehow, reduce global crime, terrorism, war and fatalities by 72%! (this has been statistically proven in at least 39 different studies; just from one group alone). It’s an indisputable fact. They ruled out weekends, weather, holidays; every independent variable that could have skewed the results.
Tornados and spinning physics SCIENCE OF ONENESS
9.3.3 The levitation effects of a tornado cannot be caused by the suction of air inside of the funnel cloud. When a tornado is just slightly above the ground, no air pressure changes are felt and no levitation effects are seen, but as soon as it touches the ground the levitation begins. The area inside the funnel cloud has been measured to have a lower air pressure, but this does not occur beneath the cloud.
9.3.4 Inside the powerful energetic fields of a tornado, matter is seen to make sudden, anomalous phase changes, becoming malleable like a fluid and semi-permeable, allowing solid objects to fuse together. Once the tornado passes, the matter reverts back to its normal “ground” state.
In the case of “spoonbending,” human beings seem to be able to temporarily duplicate these effects on metal with their consciousness. Conventional explanations for the anomalies of matter changes in tornadoes usually involve the observation that the inside of the funnel cloud has a rapid downward movement, whereas the walls of the cloud have a rapid upward movement at about 100 to 200 meters per second.
9.3.5 “Walls within walls” of “spherical cascades” are often seen around tornadoes, sometimes going as high as two-thirds of the height of the funnel cloud itself. This energetic phenomena has already been seen in the Roschin / Godin replication of the Searl Effect in the laboratory.
9.3.6 Funnel clouds are seen to travel over the surface of the earth in jumping movements, again suggesting that other forces besides atmospheric phenomena are associated with them; namely, an energetic interaction with the interior of the Earth.
9.3.7 As tornadoes pass over rivers, they have been seen to create bowl-like depressions in the water line, suggesting that they are sources of powerful, anomalous gravitation. Tornadoes can transport objects, groups of objects and even living creatures over long distances without disturbing them. This again suggests that the transport of a tornado is being caused by levitation, not by suction and rotation.