1. There is a global group trying to create a one world government.
2. Actors are being used as politicians and elite.
The two most obvious to me . . .
Trump, though maybe not acknowledged as an actor, had a long-running hit TV show, The Apprentice, the The Celebrity Apprentice, 2004 – 2017. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Apprentice_(American_TV_series)
Zelensky’s professional trajectory is other-worldly, IMO.
Some people think Biden has stand-ins. Probably does, as he is so incompetent and mentally ill.
STATEMENT TO CONSIDER: Most of Hollywood is bought and are puppets. Actors are largely the least among us; given homage by MSM for doing nothing but being fake. Too bad culture sees them as heroes. Don’t fall for it. Instead focus on like-minded people who are paving goodness on this earth. Draw strength from them when you feel alone against the media. Ex: doctors who are resisting, Robert Malone, America’s Front Line Doctors. And true investigative journalists who risk much to speak the truth. Pray for them.
3. Biden is incompetent. (Roy said we should spend only 30 minutes, not 30 days . . .)
The US government is being controlled by a group outside the government
who is trying to destroy America!
This “group” controls both democrats and republicans.
They also control the alphabet agencies, judicial system and local government.
5. The US government (INC) is bankrupt but still spending much money.
6. The MSM is controlled by the same group which controls our government.
7. Money is being drained from the economy to a cabal.
8. WHO declared “medical emergency” to allow UN control in Smart Cities.
9. The IRS is being prepared to serve as an internal army.
Purposefully mis-named Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 includes $124M for enhanced IRA tax enforcement.
Congressman Gaetz introduces bill to prohibit IRS from buying more ammunition, after recent purchase of $725,000 worth of ammunition
Federal staff with firearms and arrest authority. These numbers are from 2008; certainly much higher now. In 2008, IRS, Criminal Investigation has 2,636 armed staff. Only slightly fewer than the US Marshals Service! Now a job posting for IRS agents willing to carry a gun and use deadly force. How many of the intended 87,000 new hires will be in this Criminal Investigation category?
STATEMENT TO CONSIDER: Pay your taxes, but not a penny more. I struggle to consider a positive statement about this and other examples of the planned destruction of the foundation of this country and our republic. I simple want to hide from this militarized against citizens, in hopes I remain under their radar. Pls. help me consider a positive statement on this point.
10. National Emergency is being declared to allow FEMA/UN to provide control.
11. Guantanamo Bay facility is 4X the size it was 4 years ago and has prison ships added.
12. We have been are being lied to by our government and public agencies.
This statement is so true that I believe you can now say, everything the government and public agencies say is a lie. Whatever they say, first consider the opposite.
The suppression of cheap, proven, readily available drugs to address COVID symptoms. Such as hydroxychloroquine. Read / watch anything by Dr. Peter McCullough.
Maybe something will be further revealed here, but I don’t need any more evidence, nor do I think anyone in the govt health cabal will be held accountable for any of their actions that have harmed countless world citizens.
Recent Review of medical experience which concludes the creation of a public “mental health” disorder so that pharma could sell a drug to cure it. (I’m grouping Pharma with govt and agencies)
The very Corrupt AG Merrick Garland said "we apply the law evenly without fear and favor" https://www.c-span.org/video/?522316-1/attorney-general-garland-approved-mar-lago-search-files-motion-unseal-warrant
And, a bit of fun, to help keep your sanity . . . I think some of you follow Russell Brand. I really enjoy his content/commentary. He is funny and smart and fair and spiritually focused and an advocate for the common people. Here, he highlights the partisan coverage by MSM of the Trump raid. It is 15:40. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUKZJA6Bixs
STATEMENT TO CONSIDER: Knowing everything they say is a lie makes life quite a mystery game. Requiring sleuthing to get information. Again stick with like minded people; they will help you get info and not challenge your mistrust of MSM. Always remember that the evil ambassadors don’t have the final say/power.
Kangaroo courts are being conducted for political purposes.
Alex Jones, George Floyd(Thomas Lane, Derek Chauvin)
14. Evidence is being “Planted/Suppressed” by alphabet agencies for political purposes.
Planted: Russia gate, and possibly, whatever they find from raid of Trump’s home
Suppressed: Hunter’s laptop, anything with Jeffrey Epstein and G Maxwell, anything about Clintons
Bottom line, I try to remember it is all as it should be at this moment in time. Nothing is a coincidence, and nothing is new under the sun. Yes, it looks like Soros and the world cabal is well on their way to their evil undoing of man’s freedoms, but the bigger plan is not of this world, and evil will not triumph. I am trying to keep a level head, (while keeping it on a swivel!). I do believe each person has possibility of awakening and taking personal responsibility to be the change they want to see in the world and to know there is more to what we can see with our eyes each day. And I pray for the moving of the spirit of God through good men and women. SUSAN
1. Each of us has experienced life situations either providing information we had no access to, help from an unexplainable source or physical changes which were impossible.
2. A mental world exists consisting of concepts we create as we go through our lives. We create these concepts as we interact with each other.
3. We communicate sometimes with each other without any physical connection.
4. Spirits or attitudes are created collectively and individually.
5. Some part of Edgar Cayce would leave his physical body and
A. Go to a different location.
B. Be capable of remote viewing including aspects of humans not normally visible.
C. Could obtain information, past, present and future, not available normally to him
6. People can access information from other lives.
7. There are energies (tortional energy) other than electromagnetic that affect our physical and mental being. Our minds control other energies through this energy. Plants react to mental stimuli.
8. Machines providing free energy and anti gravity have been built.
9. God is an alien – He made Earth – not born here. From the scriptures, more than one being has been involved in guiding us.
10. The Earth is much more than 6,000 years old.
11. Other forms of Man existed prior to written history.(4,000BC)
12. Man walked and talked with gods. Several scriptures older than the Bible depict the same stories as the Bible. Several of the terms in the modern canonized Bible have been translated to provide a dependence on the Church for ascension. Christ never referred to himself as “the son of God”. This was done by others. Jesus had two main objectives: Fulfill the prophecies and teach us about the Good News of the Kingdom. Jesus never said he was coming back to Earth to rule but he said Christ was. Jesus will come back for the Rapture. This will be when the seventh trumpet blows and before the “wrath of God” strikes the Earth.
13. Only channeled sources to God exist after 400BC.
14. Edgar Cayce proved the future exists as a probability.
15. Many of the prophesied events have come true.
16. Some have come to pass at the prophesied time.
17. Some prophecies are left to be fulfilled.
18. Prophecies refer to the time of prophecies to come as “later days”, “last days”, “end times”, “end of days”, “end of time”, “tribulation” and “start of the golden age”.
19. A race of giants existed. Their fathers existed before, during and after them.
20. The story of Abraham and the story of the tower of Babel were written approximately 600 years before the Bible was started.
21. The 10 plagues and the exit of the Israelites from Egypt is the last chapter in the Egyptian Bible. It also records this time as the last passage of the “Destroyer”1446BC.
22. The FIRST 9 plagues of Egypt and the story of Revelation are similar in description.
23. According to the Sumerian tablets, the Destroyer passes “approximately” every 3550-3600 years.
24. The command to rebuild Jerusalem occurred in 456/455 BC and 483 years later the “Messiah” started his ministries fulfilling Daniel’s 69 week prophecy.
25. The Temple was burned April 5 70 AD.
26. The 6th seal is the next prophecy of Revelations to occur. Day and hour à https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOIsM1cGY6A
Where we are now, this starts the physical changes
in earth from heavenly bodies
Daniel’s prophecy of two rams:
6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was OPENING OF THE SIXTH SEAL
a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, EARTHQUAKE
and the moon became as blood; RED MOON
6:13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth METORITE SHOWER
her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
6:14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and STARS DISAPPEAR
every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and MEN HIDE IN MOUNTAINS
the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and
every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains.
6:16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from
the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the
6:17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to
27. According to Revelations, The world leader who will set himself up as God has a number of 666. The national emblem will be a standing lion. Prince Charles of England meets these requirements.
28. The prophecies, in many places, refer to stars/angels/God/Jesus/Son of Man descending to earth to help or fight.
The following are what the prophecies say and what we can deduce from their sayings.
1. According to Revelations, the next prophecy to be fulfilled is a large/ worldwide earthquake. This is followed by hail and fire mingled with blood (CME 2033/34 per CG). Then a mountain crashes into the sea. A meteorite poisons 1/3 of the fresh water. Stinging locust attack after the Antichrist assumes power by peace (he has the stored food to feed them). In 3.5 years he takes over much of the world until AOD in the temple. He is defeated 3.5 years later.
2. 1/3 of mankind is killed by 200,000,000 man army. According to Revelations, Babylon is to be destroyed by fire in 1 hour. It is a large seaport. It is great with commerce. It controls the kings of the earth. Responsible for “in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.” The rapture occurs here. All the waters turn to blood, earth heats up. Armagedon. Final earthquake.
3. Per Daniel, it will be 6.3 years after the AOD (2067-8)(2.85 years, 1040 days, 2074-5, after the defeat of the Antichrist) before the Temple is cleansed and the Antichrist will be defeated but not by hand.
4. According to Revelations, Christ rules the earth for 1000 years without interference from Satan, Satan is then loosed and defeated by heavenly hosts, a new city is provided to live in.
5. Mankind moves into a 1500 mile cube.
What can we deduce from what we know?
1. There is a collective source of information maintained in a physical form which is accessible by us.
2. This collective source of information is created by our thoughts and actions.
3. Telepathic communication does happen.
4. We individually and collectively create our spirit world. The collective source of information contains past, present and probable future information and is accessible as the energy of thought.
5. There is consciousness outside the body. The akashic record exists.
6. Some part of us survives death and is accessible. If we define our personality as what we have available mentally, some people have access to more than one personality. This is from a previous incarnation.
7. There are energies (tortional energy) other than electromagnetic that affect our physical and mental being. Our minds control other energies through this energy. Plants react to mental stimuli. Tortional energy is also called zero point energy and aether. Tornados can cause materials to temporarily transfer to another dimension and be returned when only partially through a denser media object. Iridium microclusters can be made to disappear and reappear.
8. We have a group suppressing technology (sequestering patents based on “national security”). The technology for the “mark of the beast “ is already functional.
9. Different people who have heard from “The Lord” may have heard from different lords. We should be careful which lord we listen to. Misinformation can be supplied if the requested information is for selfish purposes.
10. The events and their developments which are recorded are only the latest cycle in man’s history.
11. Homo sapiens is not the first intelligent species to inhabit earth.
12. Physical beings have represented themselves as “Lord” here on Earth. Much of Genesis is a condensate of previous scriptures and oral tradition. Strategic passages in the Bible were modified to provide dependence on the Church and applied to control the population.
13. All the physical beings (Lords) have remained hidden since 400BC.
14. The future is not fixed.
15. If prophecies to date recorded by a person have come true we can expect his future prophecies to come true.
16. Ditto
17. Ditto
18. We can expect a significant change in the way of life when the future prophecies are fulfilled.
19. Per Enoch, the watchers, through humans and preadamites are who are still causing trouble today.
20. Many of the stories in Genesis and Exodus were preceded in other scriptures. The Bible (Genesis, Exodus) was a record of these stories.
21. The plagues were real.
22. The reason Pharaoh waited till the 10th plague to let the Israelites go is the first 9 plagues were normal for the “Destroyer” passage and the 10th was personal and could not be explained.
23. The next passage of the Destroyer is in the range of 2053-2153=2103 + 1.4% for 3550 years. (2070 - 2.3% for 3600 years) (2023 - 4% for 3550 years) .
24. We can expect Daniel’s prophecy of the 70th week to come true.
25. If we extend Hosea’s prophecies (end chpt 5 – chapt 6) Israel will be revived to live in the Lord’s site in 2070. Either this is a gathering similar to 1946 or this is when he is hiding them in the wilderness for 3.5 years.
26. A world wide or at least continent wide earthquake and large meteorite in the Pacific ocean are the next items Revelations predicts to occur.
27. From the repeated symbols of lion, bear, leopard it is reasonable to assume England, Russia and Germany will be included under the Antichrist’s government.
28. Aliens will be involved in latter day events.
The following are what the what we can deduce from the prophecies
1. The Deep State (controls the kings, starts wars…) is controlled from the Vatican (spiritual), London (financial) and New York (military). Only New York meets the requirements. Only New York is hated by many countries due to the military actions by the USA.
2. Only positively oriented souls will be allowed to incarnate for 1000 years. After that, a space ship is provided to live in.
3. The next prophecy to be fulfilled is probably the CME. Then a large meteorite crashes into the Pacific. These result in losing the grass, 1/3 of the trees, 1/3 of ocean life. A second meteorite poisons 1/3 of the fresh water. The sky is polluted and it is dark except from mid morning to early afternoon. Locust? The antichrist will rise to power, 1/3 of mankind dies in war. Aliens pull some people from Earth and stop the Antichrist. Only 2-5%, 160-320 million, of the present population will survive. 4th density is started and takes 1000 years to develop. Turmoil again develops and is defeated. Man moves to a space ship.
The following is indicated by the prophecies:
1. Christ will come and be represented again. This will occur around 2030.
2. The then-ruler of the world (Antichrist) will take over the temple and the Jews will flee into Jordan for 3.5 years. Then the ruler will be defeated and the golden age will start. This will occur in the last 7 years, approximately 2065-2072.
PROPHECY TIME LINE (newbookinc.com)